Monday, March 30, 2020

English Muffins

While life has abruptly changed for all of us these days, I'm stuck at home trying to look for the silver linings and to avoid reading more news.  One of the few advantages of social distancing and being stuck in the house is more time for cooking.  So I am aspiring to share some of the recipes we are cooking in our house, in case anyone is looking for inspiration.

This weekend I was craving english muffins and our local stores were sold out, so I decided I might as well just make them myself.  It turns out these are shockingly easy to make and really delicious.  Even a few days after making them they are still fresh and better then the store bought variety.  These are perfect for your quarantine kitchen - as they take a lot of time (two 10-12 hour rises), but pretty minimal effort!  That is if you can find bread flour in the stores these days...  

The Fudgy (chai/mocha optional) brownie

In my house chocolate is basically always an appropriate choice. Whether you are celebrating, mourning, or having a stressful or happy d...